Equality or Equity? Which one do we truly need?
For those, who do not know the difference between the two- Equality means each individual or group of people is given the same resources or opportunities. Equity recognizes that each person has different circumstances and allocates the exact resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome. Now observe the picture. Equality shows that each person has ONE box whereas Equity shows everyone on the SAME LEVEL. So now, think to yourself which one do we truly need? To be honest, i think we need both! Equality is that everyone SHOULD be treated equally. We are humans and we deserve equal respect and kindness, no one else is allowed to restrict us or belittle us just because of who we are. Equity however, is the ability to see that as individuals, we all have different kinds of needs and different kinds of things we’re capable of doing and achieving. Equity is also giving each individual what they need in order to live a good life. You...